
Atari 2600 - Home Run

Game:  Home Run
Company:  Atari
Game System:  Atari 2600
Model No.:  CX2623
Year: 1978

Notes:  I guess you can call this "baseball" but it is a poor representation of the game and a great representation of the Atari 2600's limited capabilities in the late 1970s.  This game was received as a gift and was played about 10 times before returning to a steady diet of Circus Atari, Space Invaders and Asteroids.

The text version was the first one sold and it came packaged with the smaller black instruction guide.  The picture label version came next, now packaged with a larger, white instruction guide.

Later, the game was sold in a black and white box with black and white instructions as the company cut back on color printing to save money as the market for the Atari 2600 dried up.

I'm convinced that the pitcher in the middle of the cover art was modeled after Jim Palmer.

Box front

Box back
Gray box

Gray box back
Text label version

All gold text label (L) and more common text version (R)
Picture label version

The 1987 Atari Corp. version of this game is now "Homerun" spelled as one word.

First generation instructions
Second generation instructions
Gray box instructions

Screenshot - credit:

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